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Solid Modeling with Native AutoCAD Topics

What is solid modeling
Why use solid modeling

Brief 3D review
User coordinate systems
Paper space & Model space

Solid primitives
Solbox - box
Solwedge - wedge
Solcyl - cylinder
Solcone - cone
Solsphere - sphere
Soltorus - torus
Solext - extrude
Solrev - revolve
Solcham - chamfer
Solfill - fillet
Solidify - thick entity to solid
Sollist - list solid information
Solmesh - display as meshed solid
Solwire - display as wire frame
Solwdens - set mesh density

Boolean operations
Solunion - union
Solsub - subtraction
Solint - intersection
Solsep - separation
Solpurge - purge

Modeling strategies
Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG)
Boundary Representation (Brep)
Basic primitives
Swept primitives
Edge primitives

Moving and changing solids
MCS icon
Motion description codes
Solmove - move or rotate a solid
Solchp - change and view primitives

Solvar - solids system variables
Solarea - calculate area

Solmassp - calculate mass properties
Bounding box
Moments of inertia
Products of inertia
Radii of gyration
Principal moments

Solmat - material properties
Modulus of elasticity
Poisson's ratio
Yield strength
Ultimate tensile strength
Coefficient of thermal conductivity
Coefficient of thermal expansion
Coefficient of thermal convection
Specific heat

Using the 3D solid model with 2D detail drawings
Extracting 2D views

Using the 2D solid region modeler
3D view through wall holes
Automatic calculation of net wall area

Downstream applications of solid modeling
Finite element analysis (FEA)
Computer aided manufacturing (CAM)


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