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C++, Windows, & OOAD Courses

C++, Windows, & OOAD Courses

Code Description Days Prerequisites
C++1 Introduction to OOP with C++ 3 C-1, C-2 or 1 year of C experience
C++2 Intermediate OOP with C++ 3 C++1 or 6 months C++ experience
C++3 Advanced OOP with C++ 2 C++1, C++2 or 1 year C++ experience
C++4 Introduction to OOP with C++ for Non C Programmers 5 some prior programming experience
WIN-1 Windows MFC GUI Programming with Visual C++ 4 C++1, C++2 or 2 years C++ experience
OOAD-1 Object Oriented Analysis & Design 3 some prior programming experience

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Software Engineering Series


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